FlashForward Music
FlashForward season 1 poster

FlashForward season 1 episode 9 soundtrack

Believe, 4 songs

Bryce begins his search for the woman in his flashforward, Aaron becomes concerned over Tracy's odd behavior, Mark attempts to track down the person responsible for texting Olivia and outing his drinking during his flashforward vision, and Demetri's co-agents try to find the mysterious caller who forewarned him about his unfortunate fate.

  • Shelter from the Storm — Bob Dylan
    1st use: Keiko looks at You Tube and starts grooving to the music. 2nd use: Bryce touches down at LAX and exits the plane with a smile on his face. Finally, one last passenger exits the plane.
  • Cherry Blossom — Buttersprites
    There is a surprise party for Keiko
  • Shelter from the Storm — Soul Flower Union
    Song is playing in a tattoo parlor where Keiko gets a tattoo that says "believe."
  • I Can't Explain The Things I Do — El Gato
    Nicole helps Bryce with Japanese phrases.