Found - Season 1, Episode 6: Soundtracks

7 songs
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Spinning in Circles
Opening; Gabi sits with a patient and flashbacks [2003 Day 191 182 Days Until Her Escape] Sir comes home as Gabi stares out the window.
A Little Bit of Everything
Playing in the sober living house when Gabi, Lacey and Dhan arrive and meet Leo.
Good to Be Alive
Night Swimmer
Dhan helps himself to food at the sober living house while Gabi takes a phone call.
Pretty Magical
The Silverman Brothers
Lacey comes downstairs at the sober living house and joins Dhan and Jesse at the bottom of the stairs.
Look Away
Ona Mafalda
Gabi pushes David down the hallway of the hospital then reunites with his mother, Rachel.
I’m Moving Forward
Gold Brother
Gabi's team invites Trent into their celebratory toast.
Kendra Dantes
Lacey walks away from Gabi after telling her she's changed; Margaret hangs up a missing poster on the wall; Gabi brings food downstairs to Sir.
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