Funny Girl (Glee Cast Version) [feat. Idina Menzel]
Glee Cast
Vocal Adrenaline director sings as Rachel, Quinn & Mercedes spy on the group practicing
Bad Romance (Glee Cast Version)
Glee Cast
Kurt & the girls perform in Gaga dress
Shout It Out Loud (Glee Cast Version)
Glee Cast
boys perform for the girls (originally by Kiss)
Beth (Glee Cast Version)
Glee Cast
Guys sing to the girls in the practice room - Puck's apology for suggesting Jack Daniels as a name for his baby girl
Poker Face (Glee Cast Version) [feat. Idina Menzel]
Glee Cast
Rachel & Shelby sing
plays in the background as Finn removes makeup and talks with Kurt
Funny Girl
Shelby (originally from Funny Girl)
Shelby sings for Vocal Adrenaline
New Directions (originally by Kiss)
 The guys sing a song in the practice room.
Poker Face (Live at the Cherrytree House)
Rachel & Shelby (originally by Lady Gaga)
 Rachel and Shelby sing together.
Bad Romance
New Directions (originally by Lady Gaga)
 The girls and Kurt practice with a little Gaga.
Shout It Out Loud
New Directions (originally by Kiss)
 The boys practice their song.