The housemates clean the Coterie.
Alice and Sumi work on the yu when Lindsey and Ruby arrive.
Yaeji, YonYon, G.L.A.M.
Callie, Mariana, Gael, Isabella, Dennis and Kelly have drinks together.
Davia discusses handling Dennis and Matt, Malika gives her advice about dating poly; Dyonte and Tanya arrive.
Malika, Dyonte and Tanya do shots together.
The First Waltz
Dick Walter
Davia envisions Matt and Magda dancing together.
Catching Feels
Sioux Sioux
Matt and Dennis get to know one another as they work on Dennis' food truck.
Callie and Isabella talk to Gael about about Callie's previous plan for room switches.
Callie and Mariana talk; Gael explains to Callie what he and Jazmin where talking about on the phone;
SPELL 주문 (feat. YonYon & G.L.A.M.)
Callie, Mariana, Gael, Isabella, Dennis and Kelly have drinks together; Gael reminds Isabella to drink more water when his alarm goes off.
Davia discusses handling Dennis and Matt, Malika gives her advice about dating poly when Dyonte arrives with Tanya.
Malika, Dyonte and Tanya do shots together in Malika's room.