Sister Christian
Night Ranger
Aftermath as the car of Stan and Cindy Chen is hit by another car as they drive.
The One That Got Away
Katy Perry
Major sings along when Liv and Clive arrive back to morgue, being on Cindy's brain causes Major to act like a "teenage girl" when Liv, on the father's brain, tells him turn the volume down.
Sister Christian
iZombie Cast
Stanley sings as his daughter as she complains about him ruining her entire life.
S3E2 'Eat, Pray, Liv' promo
Don't Get It Twisted
Mobius VanChocStraw
locker room scene, 12min, before "can i help you with something newbie?"
Stanley sings as his daughter complains about him ruining her entire life.
Come Get It
Raphael Lake, Ben Fisher & Royal Baggs
303 'Eat, Pray, Liv' promo.