Major and Russ hangout at The Scratching Post; Don E complains about their song requests.
Fox On the Run
Magnus The Necromaimer is introduced at the Zombie Thunderdome.
Around the Dial
The Kinks
Magnus The Necromaimer is about to fight the butcher in the Zombie Thunderdome.
Bobby Sherman
A prison bus comes across Angus and his followers; the group tips bus over, then Angus encourages his zombies to feast on the people inside; Casper is brought before Stacey, he begs for his life.
The Wheels On The Bus
iZombie Cast
Angus uses a children's song while preaching to his followers.
Priscilla Ahn
Liv's scratch fails to turn Isobel.
The Wheels On The Bus
Angus uses a version of lyrics from a children's song, while preaching to his followers.
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