Jenni tries to uncover the truth about Ronnie and Jenn, Pauly plans an epic prank, and Vinny makes his Chippendales debut in front of his roommates and mother.
Poppin Non-Stop — Photronique
Opening montage of Las Vegas & pool party and the gang in their poolside cabana.
Montage of gang preparing to go out to strip club to see Vinny. Song broken into 3 (song starts, ends, starts again etc etc) different segments. (See questions below for LINK to track)
Coming out of commercial break Vegas montage (Rio & Chippendales) cut to the gang waiting in their seats for Vinny to take the stage. Continues until Vinny takes the stage.
Just Like My Mamma Said (feat. Robyn Johnson) — Photronique & Robyn Johnson
As she watches, Vinny's mom Paola is crying and J-Woww & Deena hugs her. Continues right up to Vinny talking about spraining his ankle but not his penis.
Begins playing as Vinny talks about his sprained ankle but still being able to do the helicopter as he performs live. Continues thru Deena talking about Angelina looking like she is about to orgasm.
Jazzy thing playing as Vinny talks about this portion of the show being good for "hot messes" like Angelina. (1 of the 12 different textures featured in this track)
Coming out of commercial break Vegas montage cut to Angelina onstage demonstrating her favorite sexual position with a stripper in a white suit (Jason).