Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Music
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts season 1 poster

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts season 1 episode 5 soundtrack

The Astronomers in Turtlenecks, 3 songs

Kipo and the gang act like a pack to cozy up to the nerdy Newton Wolves and use their telescope to find the burrow people. The hunt is on.

  • Ten Million & Two — Yvonne Devaney
    Jamack is excommunicated from the group of frogs and has to strike out on his own.
  • Didn't Come to Play — Dope Saint Jude
    Training montage of Wolf showing the rest of the group how to work together as a wolf pack.
  • Grrrl Like — Dope Saint Jude
    Wolf is being chased by the Newton Wolves; (repeats) Wolf and the gang use their training and work like a team while fighting off the Newton Wolves.

Theme Song

Age of Wonderbeasts