Landman - Season 1, Episode 1: Soundtracks

14 songs
Listen on
La Diabla
Luis' truck radio as the men laugh and talk.
No Vacancy
Treaty Oak Revival
Trucks wait in line to order at Babes-N-Brew.
Debtor's Blues
Vincent Neil Emerson
View of M-Tex Oil house; Tommy gets ready for work; Tommy and Dale talk; Tommy gets a call.
Take Me Home
Tanner Usrey
Tommy drives to an incident.
PSM News Roundup
Pink Shark Music
Tommy's truck radio.
Heavenly Bodies
Nicholas Carras
Ringtone; Tommy tries to call Monty; Angela Facetimes him.
Everlasting Lover
49 Winchester
Tommy drives to The Patch Café; At The Patch Cafe, Tommy and Patrick go over some details.
Treaty Oak Revival
Truck radio as Tommy drives Ainsley and Dakota; They head to the football game.
Wings Of Victory
The Permian High School Band
Marching band at a football game; Ainsley shares too much.
The Housefire
Turnpike Troubadours
On the radio at Luis' trailer at M-Tex man camp as Cooper gets to know the guys.
Super Star
John Coggins, Devin Moore, Steven Kofsky, Dave Bassett, Dr. Steven Trip, Bruce Fingers, Billie Ray Fingers
Ringtone; Luis' cell phone rings; It's his granddaughter; Armando answers.
Hide Away
Francis James Ralls, Billie Ray Fingers, Bruce Fingers
On the TV, Ainsley and Dakota watch at the M-Tex Oil house.
Sneaky Wurly
Dirty Dick & Carrie Harry
On TV at the M-Tex Oil house.
Happy Wurly
Dirty Dick & Carrie Harry
On TV at the M-Tex Oil house.
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