Josie arrives back from the bathroom to find Lizzie doing yoga, she then tells her about new 'Yes' semester; Kaleb overhears Lizzie talking about her new lease on life.
Montage as the school starts off its new semester; Landon find that he's become quite popular at school; Josie and Landon have awkward encounter then plan their first date.
Hope and Alaric fight the monster, figuring out that it a Cyclops while in the process, and defeat it, meanwhile Landon sits in the town square oblivious to the action going on behind him.
Take Me Home
Chord Overstreet
Alaric gives Hope a going away present - his crossbow; Hope and Landon bump into each other while in the park, they begin to talk about their relationship problems and give each other advice.
Josie and Landon confess to one another the trouble they've been having since starting their relationship then kiss. after Landon calls himself Josie's boyfriend.
Die To Live
Volbeat, Neil Fallon
Hope and Alaric fight the monster, figuring out that it a Cyclops while in the process, and defeat it, meanwhile Landon sits in the town square oblivious to the action going on behind him.
Die to Live (feat. Neil Fallon)
Landon sits in the town sqaure drawing and listening to music while Hope and Alaric fight the Cyclops.