Legion Music
Legion season 2 poster

Legion season 2 episode 7 soundtrack

Chapter 15, 4 songs

A delusion starts like any other idea .. But ends in disaster.

  • Volker, Op. 203: No. 3, Im Rosengarten zu Worms. Tranquillo — Ingolf Turban & Jascha Nemtsov
    David and Farouk have a contentious conversation over dinner about the death of Amy; David refuses to join Farouk; Farouk and David declare war.
  • Two Tribes — Frankie Goes to Hollywood
    While talking to future Syd, Farouk quotes this song.
  • Mi Mujer (’17 Remastered Edit) — Nicolas Jaar
    (17' Remastered Edit) Ptonomy wanders Division 3, leaving eggs by the bedsides of his sleeping friends. In a dream Clark is followed by the Vermillion and wakes up with a broken egg by his bedside.
  • 89 Days — Jeff Russo
    Ptonomy connected into a data hub; Ptonomy looks around a binary covered room and realizes he's not alone.

Theme Song

Legion Main Title
Jeff Russo