Dyson has a confrontation with Ba'al & another guy at a dark fae club, Carpe Noctem.
Das Ist Krieg (American Reich)
Lost Girl World Mix
Tim Tickner
Bo questions Trick about Dyson's past; Dyson arrives at The Dal & invokes sancutary.
Bo & Kenzi talk to the bartender,Cyrus, at Carpe Noctem, then they chat with Vex.
Babylon Boys
Life Bitter Soul
When Kenzi is speaking with Tenebrae in the club
This Hollow World
Johnny Hollow
When Kenzi was talking with Portia at the bar.
Kenzi has Portia repeat her story for Bo.
Break Out
Crooked Valentine
Vex controlling Bo and choking her at the night club
Flashback of Silas leaving the Carpe Noctem to kill Ba'al.
Das Ist Krieg (American Reich)
MDM (Modern Digital Media)
Ba'al is attacked by a wolf outside of Carpe Noctem.