Love Is Blind - Season 2, Episode 2: Soundtracks

29 songs
Love Is Blind
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Safe Place
Three Laws
(0:00) Opening montage.
To Relaxing
As Long As We're Together
Mike Mains
(0:03) Nick and Danielle share an emotional moment; Opening title card.
Makin' Moves
Louis II
(0:04) Montage of living quarters activities.
All I Think About is You
(0:08) Jarrette and Mallory talk in their pods.
Just You
James Warburton, Jade Pybus
(0:11) Shayne scribbles on his journal; Shayne and Natalie speak in their pods.
This Is Where It Started
Foxworth Hall
(0:13) Shayne and Natalie reconnect.
Ready for War
Juliet Roberts
(0:14) Emotional tension between Shania and Natalie.
H. Kenneth, Syence
(0:14) Transition; Shayne talks about Natalie and Shania.
Let It Hurt
(0:17) Shania and Shayne have an emotional conversation in their pods; (repeats) Shayne talks about Shania.
It's Happening
Wild Story
(0:19) Transition.
Dunes at Dawn (Mixed)
Sebastian Sellares
(0:28) Montage; The woman exercise.
Could We Be Happy
Jillian May
(0:30) Deepti and Shake enter their pods.
David Francisco
(0:32) Deepti and Shake share an emotional moment.
You Lift Me Up
(0:32) Deepti hugs it out with the other woman.
I’m Feelin’ it
Georgina Daisy Birch, Rusty B, Rhys Fletcher
(0:36) Montage; Living quarters
Love You Crazy
John Coggins
(0:38) Jarrette and Mallory share a laugh together.
You're Always in My Head
Christopher C. Porter
(0:40) Transition; Mallory and Salvador talk in their pods.
Write A Song For Me
Wizards Of Oz, Glenna Bree
(0:42) Montage; Mallory and Salvador.
You and Only You
Arize, Veso
(0:46) Deepti and Shake share an emotional moment.
Breaking All the Rules
Stephen Collins, Jon Dix, Beck Goldsmith
(0:49) Transition; Kyle talks about Shaina.
Pillow Talk
(0:52) Kyle and Shaina have an emotional conversation in their pods.
Forest of My Mind
SHIPS, Micky Mikkelson, Louise Udin
(0:53) Shaina and Kyle leave their pods; Shania walks down the hallway.
Safe & Sound
Novaspace, Vade
(0:55) The guys toast in the men's living quarters; Montage of Shayne and Natalie.
The World Is Waiting
Jo Blankenburg, Kat Leon
(0:58) End credits.
Feel It All
Jordan Frye
The couple sees each other for the first time and walk towards each other
That Takes Care Of That
Juliette Reilly, Peter Verdell
Aalta, Jules Larson
Brightest Smile
Thomas Bergersen, Natalie Major
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