Love Is Blind - Season 2, Episode 5: Soundtracks

20 songs
Love Is Blind
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Burn Through The Dark
John Coggins
(0:00) Opening; Cancun, Mexico.
I'm OK
Ruby Amanfu
(0:03) Danielle and Nick argue; Title card.
All I Think About is You
(0:06) Nick and Danielle have coffee in bed; (0:16) Transition to Deepti and Shake at the cenote.
Paris on My Mind
(0:08) Nick and Danielle kiss on the beach.
Everybody Loves the Sunshine
Animal Island
(0:08) Views of Mexico; Sal and Mallory arrive at their beach date.
Christopher C. Porter
(0:12) Mallory and Sal kiss on their date.
Kendel Lester
(0:17) Shake and Deepti jump into the water at the cenote.
Dirty Dancing
Freedom, Alexander Pol
(0:18) Aerial views of Cancun; Mallory and Sal walk to the beach and meet up with the other couples.
Same Team
Mosh Party
(0:19) The couples play beach volleyball.
Climb Right into Heaven
(0:20) The beach volleyball game continues.
Shake It Loose
Bleeding Fingers
(0:21) The couples in the ocean.
What I Should Have Said (feat. Jp Castillo)
Photronique, JP Castillo
(0:26) Deepti and Nick talk about their relationships; Nighttime views of Cancun.
On the Way Down
Wild Story
(0:32) Nick hugs Danielle at dinner.
Jonathan Buchanan
(0:29) Nighttime views of the beach; Danielle and Nick have dinner together.
Sad Puppy
(0:36) Natalie and Shayne have a disagreement at dinner; Shayne walks away from Natalie; Views of Chicago, Illinois; Shaina waits for Kyle.
The One
Jo Blankenburg, Kat Leon
(0:39) Shaina talks about her feelings for Shayne.
Dana and the Wolf
(0:47) End credits.
That Takes Care Of That
Juliette Reilly, Peter Verdell
Aalta, Jules Larson
Brightest Smile
Thomas Bergersen, Natalie Major
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