Marvel's Runaways Music
Marvel's Runaways season 1 poster

Marvel's Runaways season 1 episode 2 soundtrack

Rewind, 7 songs

A retelling of 101, as seen from the parents’ perspective. Everyone’s on edge, but after tonight, should all go as planned, they won’t have to worry about their obligations again.

  • You've Fallen By The Wayside — Radio Villains
    (0:14) Dale and Stacy talk about the upcoming Pride meeting in the car.
  • BagBak — Vince Staples
    (0:15) Gang members arrive at the cite for the PRIDEs future school; Darius Davis introduces himself as the new forman and tells Howard to call Geoffrey.
  • Bands over Everything — Icy Black
    (0:20) Geoffrey arrives at the construction side to payoff Darius.
  • Antidote (Live Arrangement) — Emily Wells
    (0:28) The PRIDE members ascend to the depth of the Wilder's subbasements where they put on robes, then head into ceremorial room; Leslie calls to tell Gibborim they're ready, then retrieves Destiny.
  • Do It Again (feat. Goose) — Soldout
    Alex runs to the circuit box and turns off the power to the house hoping to fool his and the others parents; the kids form a plan to continue to fool their parents; Catherine and Geoffrey find the kids playing Twister and wishes them well.
  • Trippin' — Sir Sly
    (0:37) The kids try to keep up status quo with their parents, act normal after what they saw; Nico heads to the bathroom; everyone's parents pull them away to leave; Tina asks Alex where Nico is.
  • Gert's Lullaby — Siddhartha Khosla & Ariela Barer
    (0:42) Gert sings for Molly; Nico looks thoughtfully at the mobiles on the ceiling; Alex texts her and all others; Karolina texts Destiny.

Theme Song

Runaways Theme
Siddhartha Khosla