When a dangerous nest of vampires led by an old friend of Lem's arrives in Midnight, Manfred and Olivia join forces to discover their true intentions.
Dunes — Alabama Shakes
Manfred and Creek discuss their "relationship" as Creek quickly gets dressed and looks for her missing earring to head home for dinner after spending the afternoon having sex.
Lemuel and Olivia arrive at the diner but upon meeting more of Lemuel's old friends Olivia makes her departure but not before wishing Zachariah and other vampires bye before morning and kissing Lem.
Zachariah and Pia dance then Pia pulls Lemeul into a dance as they do they reminisce about old times; Olivia and Manfred announce the nest's groupie, TIffany, Lemuel assure them its a common practice.
(Flashback) As Lemuel finishes off the rest of his former slaver master partygoers when Zachariah returns and asks him if he's satisfied with his revenge.
(Flashback) Lemuel takes a young Xylda back to a private room to feed but weary his current life he advises Xylda to leave the nest at sunrise and his own possibly suicide but she offers him another option.
Lemuel tells Zachariah that he and his vampires can't stay in Midnight and have to leave; Zach agreeing with Lem pours them shots and makes toast; Olivia asks Pia wants going on between Lem and Zach.