Nikita Music
Nikita season 1 poster

Nikita season 1 episode 20 soundtrack

Glass Houses, 1 song

Frustrated that Nikita continues to intercept his black boxes, Percy sends Michael to check on one of the boxes and the guardian attached to it. Nikita makes it to the small Pennsylvania town first and is shocked to find that the guardian is a normal woman named Dana who has abandoned her post and is attempting to live a normal life with her husband and child. Tensions mount when Michael is forced to report Dana’s actions and Division swarms in to clean up any evidence of her existence. Meanwhile, Alex and Jaden get into an argument and Nathan gets caught in the middle.

  • Crazy — Patsy Cline
    Michael and the strike team at the diner going over the mission find the black box and Nikita

Theme Song

I Am Nikita
David russo