Jake and Julia search for the biological parents of an unborn baby. Meanwhile, Julia worries if a scathing LHL interview triggered a horrific incident; and Oscar learns the truth about Sarah and Jake's affair.
Victory Lap — Caught A Ghost
Jake talks with Bradley about this interview & the gives him orders on how to move forward with Oscar Keaton's case as he drives into work when finds Jenna Polly in his parking case waiting for him.
City montage; After walking Ryan up, Ella & Ryan begin to have sex again when Ella's phone begins to vibrate alerting her that it's after 10am and she's late for work.
Jake drives to Maggie's office only to find that she has fled; Jake returns to the law office where goes through his memory box of his childhood; Julia was Levi's blood of her shoes while she cries.
Louise & Megan meet Julia for drinks & an apology; Mike arrives to meet them for a drink under Louise's invitation, she sends Julia over to him; Julia offers to by Mike a drink.