The Under Fives match to their inspection and medal presentation ceremony for Op Herrick; Molly family watches; Molly is award the Military cross, she tries to put on a brave face.
Molly and Capt James leave the restaurant; Molly gazes around the home before following Charles to his room; They kiss; Molly's dad, Dave, makes ice cream floaters.
Molly tries to help Smurf; Belinda & Dave on the balcony when they see the ambulance come by; Molly cries in the ambulance; Molly & Mrs Smurf ride in the hearse; Molly walks with at the casket.
Molly and the rest of the Under Fives ride back on a plane; Molly has flashes of the day on the bridge as tries to close her eyes; The platoon arrives; Molly arrives at the hospital, Smurf finds her.
Molly stand in front of her mirror; Molly rides on a plane back to Afghanistan; In the medic tent, Molly to Jackie, she asks her if she's crazy; Molly talks to a group medics when Qaseem walks in.
Molly hugs Bashira; Back at the base Molly instructs her cadets medic procedures; End credits; (Flashfoward) Molly goes to Capt James home, she asks if he misses her then he invites her in.