The Next Right Thing
Seth Glier
Time of the Preacher
Willie Nelson
Jesse gets out of bed, dresses in his cleric clothing, removes profanities from the church sign, then heads back up the dirt road to his church.
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Emily, in her role as organist, ends the service.
Time Rages On
Extreme Music
After church service, the congregation enjoys a barbecue outside when a gun shot goes off.
The Liberty Bell
John Philip Sousa
The former Annville mascot, Chief Red Savage, his supporters and various bullies (including Donnie) beat up the new mascot, Pedro the Prairie Dog, and the mayor, Miles.
Cassidy parties with his charter flight's passengers until he is tipped off to their intentions by a marked-up bible in the bathroom. Upon his exit, he confronts them.
We Could Have Had It All
Kenny Werner & Donnie Demers
Cassidy continues to fight, subduing or killing the passengers and crew. He consumes some blood and takes more with him as he jumps from the burning, unmanned plane.
Dancing to the Beat
Clarence Murray
After returning from the bathroom Cassidy confronts the passengers and crew then attacks them afterwards he grabs pours some blood from guy with wine bottle in his chest and jumps from the plane.
You're So Vain (feat. Ruth Negga)
Preacher Cast
Jesse arrives to check on Walter and overhears Tulip singing in the shower.
You're So Vain
Carly Simon
In a flashback, Tulip fights for her life in a car careening through a cornfield.
Don't Take Me for Granted
Nancy Barry
Tulips expounds on strength and love to two children in their kitchen as they help her fashion a bazooka from cans, moonshine, duct tape, and toy soldiers.
The Beast In Me
Johnny Cash
Jesse gets out of his pickup truck on his way to meet with Donnie's wife, Betsy; Cassidy lies dismantled in a field after jumping out of the plane.
The Bible or the Gun
Blues Saraceno
This song does NOT appear in the episode It does appear in a commercial break in an ad for another AMC show but it is not played during the bar scene
Amazing Grace (feat. Tabatha Shaun)
Preacher Cast
Gracie sings as she playing the guitar at the pulpit of the church.
Amazing Grace
Preacher Cast
Female church member sings & plays on electric guitar
Fiore eats a teabag when DeBlanc comes and tells him the entity is "here"; Fiore and DeBlanc stand outside the church.
We Could Have Had It All
Donnie Demers & Kenny Werner
Cassidy continues to fight, subduing or killing the passengers and crew. He consumes some blood and takes more with him as he jumps from the burning, unmanned plane.