Prime Suspect Music

Prime Suspect season 1 episode 3 soundtrack

Bitch, 3 songs

While helping out at her father's bar, Jane finds herself without her gun when she confronted with a robber. Calderon and Jane get assigned to solving the murder of a woman found in a dumpster. Meanwhile, Carolina Rivera tries to befriend Jane while working on her father's robbery case but gets the cold shoulder.

  • When the Word Gets Out — Brandi Shearer
    (CODA - Closing Scenes) Jane lies down for a nap at the precinct after getting her confession. Duffy steps in to ask her about the sonogram.
  • Long Cool Woman (In a Black Dress) [1999 Remastered Version] — The Hollies
    (Opening Scenes) Jane is working in her father's bar. The place is robbed.
  • Free Bird — Lynyrd Skynyrd

Theme Song

Extreme Music