Queen of the South Music
Queen of the South season 1 poster

Queen of the South season 1 episode 6 soundtrack

El Engaño como la Regla, 4 songs

Camila, riddled with debt and short on supply, grows desperate and ponders giving Teresa up. Meanwhile, Brenda's burgeoning drug enterprise creates a rift between her and Tony.

  • Love / Idleness — Wardell
    James meets with Kim at a cafe where he brings her a bag of clothing and tells her that she has to head to the trailer for a while for protection, she voices her concerns about their future before agreeing to go.
  • In My House — Mary Jane Girls
    Teresa drops off Russell's supply of cocaine to his home where he offers of her no-clause bonus for her placing him at the top her delivery list when the supply is running low.
  • No Cargo Metal — DJ Morphiziz & Godsent & Mesianico
    James arrives back to Camila's club and heads inside.
  • Money In My Pocket (feat. U-Sity) — Envy
    James & Theresa in the car (radio)