Ringer - Season 1, Episode 2: Soundtracks

16 songs
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Andrew watches as "Siobhan" comforts Juliet.
Little Dragon
Bridget wakes up to a note from Andrew.
You Showed Me
The Watson Twins
Bridget and Malcolm talk on the phone.
Hold On (Radio Edit)
The Chain Gang of 1974
"Siobhan" and Victor talk and then she tells him to leave; Andrew asks "Siobhan" who she was talking to.
Little Deschutes
Laura Veirs
Andrew tells "Siobhan" that she was like her old self; Bridget texts Malcolm that she's on her way.
Who Are You, Really?
Mikky Ekko
Bridget returns to Siobhan's home and packs a bag.
Boy Wait 4 This
White Light Syndrome
"Siobhan" talks to some friends.
Break Out
Neil Ormandy
Bridget returns to the loft to find the party preparations underway.
Come In From the Rain
(Flashback) Bridget drunk at a bar.
Feel the Love (Radio Edit)
Andrew and "Siobhan" talk; Gemma makes a comment about Olivia; Henry tells "Siobhan" that Gemma found his key to the Dandridge.
Submarine (Das Kapital's 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea Remix)
Hattie Murdoch
(Flashback) Siobhan arrives to pick up a drunk Bridget at a bar.
Kimberly Hall
Bridget holds Juliet in the bathroom as Juliet cries; Andrew sees them through the doorway.
Sea of Regrets
I Like Trains
Hold On
The Chain Gang of 1974
Victor comments on how 'Siobhan' seems to be trying to keep people out of the loft; Andrew asks Bridget who was was just talking with.
Feel The Love
Fonzerelli ft Digital Glitter
Andrew & Bridget discuss how well the party came together; Gemma comments on Olivia; Henry corners Bridget and tells her Gemma found his key to the Dandridge.
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