U Make Me Feel Good
Emma & Kieran lay in the grass after having sex, they kiss when Kieran asks if their night is over and Emma asks him to go to Brandon James' house; Emma & Kieran arrive at the James family home.
Bored out of My Brains
Bunnies On Ponies
At Nightmare Level Comics and Collectibles, Emma & Noah debate on whether to smash Audrey’s SD card or watch what's on the card when Emma receives a call from her mother.
At The Grindhouse, Piper drinks coffee when Will asks for her advice on getting back into Emma's good graces, she offers to help him with Emma if he comes on her podcast to talk about Nina.
In her room, Emma watches the video of Audrey again when her mother comes in, and tries to comfort her, Emma asks her mother if Audrey really could be a murderer, she tells her to come with her.
Things I'd Do for U
Emma heads downstairs when stumbles upon her mother and Sheriff Hudson kissing at the bottom of the stairs after Hudson leaves Emma congratulates her mother on her bold move with Hudson.
Things I’d Do For You
Emma sees her mom kissing Sheriff Hudson, then reassures her she's okay with their relationship.