Olivia dances for her mum.
Karthak Dancer
Nayantara Parpia
Olivia and Malek have sex in her room. As she climaxes she covers his face with a pillow.
Happy Talk
Captain Sensible
Maeve gets a birthday text, discovers her gas canister has been taken. Aimee rides the bus, a stranger wanks on her leg. She panics and leaves.
Jean sets up in her new office at the school.
Have A Good Time
Audio Network
Extras dancing on dance machine.
Supporting artists play the dance machine. Then Eric and Rahim dance on a dance machine in the arcade. Rahim kisses Eric.
Aimee goes upstairs and cries.
Pale Blue Eyes
The Velvet Underground
Maeve chickens out from saying she likes Otis. End credits.
Sorenious Bonk, Signe Mansdotter
Aimee goes upstairs and cries.