Star - Season 2, Episode 3: Soundtracks

9 songs
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Suga (From "Star") [Remix]
Star Cast
The girls listen to the remix version of their song made by Ayana's producer; (repeats) Big Trouble performs at the Underground; Jahil tells Carlotta about the girls fight.
Ratchet Life (From "Star" Season 2)
Star Cast
Alex freezes and retreats inside her own mind; Montage, flashback.
Ain’t Thinkin’ Bout You (From “Star”)
Star Cast
The girls sing at the hair shop as they ready for their performance.
Pull Up (From "Star" Season 2) [feat. Luke James]
Star Cast
Noah sings live on TV when the girls begin to take over his performance, he continues along side them; Carlotta smirks as girls take over, Ayana rages in anger at the girls.
I'm Every Woman
Chaka Khan
Carlotta and the girls celebrate the record label giving them the choice for their producers and writers.
Pull Up
Star Cast
The girls sing loudly as they leave the shop; Alex heads home to Derek; Star and Simone head to the car to take Simone back to the detention center.
Kendrick Lamar
Noah practices at the dance studio when Star arrives, she admits her faults to him then kisses him; Alex crawls into head with Derek, they begin to get intimate.
Kendrick Lamar, Zacari
Noah practices his dance moves at the label studio when Star arrives, she kisses him; Alex climbs into bed with Derek, they kiss then begin to get more intimate.
Ain’t Thinkin’ Bout You
Star Cast
Patrons enjoy the music of the girls as they sing at the shop as they get ready.
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