Use 1 - Byers' House: Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan and Nancy stand opposite Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Eleven as they take each other in.
Use 2 - Mr. Clarke's classroom/Gymnasium.
Still Pretty
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
MIke and Eleven are in the bathroom downstairs and Mike tells her that he thinks she's still pretty without the wig
Leap of Faith
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Lucas informs the kids via walkie talkie that the people from Hawkins Lab know where Eleven is
Time for a 187
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Dr. Brenner and his team get into their vans and start chasing the kids
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The kids escaped from the bad men and they apologize to each other for their earlier behaviour (Mike, Lucas and Eleven)
Speak of the Devil
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The bad men from Hawkins Lab are searching the Wheeler's house for clues to find Eleven and the kids
Starts to Rain
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Troy tells Hopper about this girl (Eleven) with very short hair and that she can do things
Run Away
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Steve is arguing with Tommy about Nancy because he calls him a slut and Steve is defending her and then drives away in his car
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Mr. Clarke tells Dustin on the phone how they can build a sensory deprivation tank
Rolling out the Pool
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
They are starting to build the sensory deprivation pool in the Hawkins Middle Scool gym
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
In the void, El finds Barb dead
Castle Byers
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Eleven finds Will at Castle Byers inside the black room
They Found Us
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Nancy and Jonathan still want to kill the demogorgon while Hopper and Joyce go to Hawkins Lab
Should I Stay or Should I Go
Will sings to himself as the monster comes closer.