Supergirl Cast
Kara performs a Beastie Boys song at karaoke night..
James performs a Mehcad Brooks song at karaoke night..
I Drove All Night
Supergirl Cast
Alex performs a Cyndi Lauper song at karaoke night..
So Emotional
Supergirl Cast
J'onn performs a Whitney Houston song at karaoke night.
Winn begins to perform an A-HA song when the news reports the death of his father causing him to rush out of the bar.
Winn and Mary performs a A-Ha song at karaoke night.
Carry On Wayward Son
Mon-El performs a Kansas song at karaoke night..
Carry on Wayward Son
Supergirl Cast
Mon-El performs a Kansas song at karaoke night..
Suspicious Minds
Supergirl Cast
M'yrnn performs a Elvis Presley song at karaoke night; Mon-El tells James about Imra's abilities then asks if he's seeing anyone.
Kara sings a Beastie Boys song at karaoke night..
James performs a Mehcad Brooks song.
Alex performs a Cyndi Lauper song.
J'onn performs a Whitney Houston song.
M'yrnn performs an Elvis song; Mon-El tells James about Imra's abilities, then asks if he's seeing anyone.
Winn starts to perform an A-ha song, when he sees a news story about his father dying and runs off.
I Know You Know (How Much I Love You)
Bob Mete
Alex has dinner with M'yrnn and J'onn, where they talk about living with discrimination.
Mon-El performs a Kansas song.