Kara investigates a secretive new group whose leader, Thomas Coville, has a mysterious connection to Supergirl. Meanwhile, Samantha feels like she's letting Ruby down, and J'onn confesses an old secret.
I Love You Like a Brother — Alex Lahey
Samantha watches Ruby's team soccer game when a woman comes up to her and hands her a pamphlet for the cult of Supergirl.
Kara, Lena, Alex, Maggie and Samantha have girls-night at Kara's place; Lena tells a story of her most recent horrible date; Kara tells Samantha about her recent relationship breaking up due him (Mon-El) moving away; Alex asks Samantha about Ruby's father.
A group of girls dance as little Supergirl's as Lena, Kara and Alex arrive to the school pageant; Alex reminds Kara the young girls look up to her as a hero not as a god.
Kara watches a hologram of her mother as they say the prayers of Rao; J'onn joins his father in prayer; A still troubled Alex joins Maggie in bed; Samantha heads into the bathroom.