The Big Bang Theory Music
The Big Bang Theory season 10 poster

The Big Bang Theory season 10 episode 4 soundtrack

The Cohabitation Experimentation, 2 songs

When Amy’s apartment floods, she proposes a “cohabitation experiment” with Sheldon. Also, Howard and Bernadette are upset when Koothrappali learns the gender of the baby before they do.

  • You Never Can Tell — Chuck Berry
    Leonard drops down to is underwear and dances around now that Sheldon is out of the apartment, Penny watches in horror as he does Mia Wallace's dance from Pulp Fiction.
  • Tootsee Roll — 69 Boyz
    Penny joins Leonard in celebratory dancing in their underwear, she questions where he got his awesome dance moves which he tells her that learned them from Dance Dance Revolution.

Theme Song

Big Bang Theory Theme
Barenaked Ladies