The Blacklist Music
The Blacklist season 3 poster

The Blacklist season 3 episode 18 soundtrack

Mr. Solomon: Conclusion (2), 4 songs

A team member falls into grave danger due to a tragedy, leading the task force to rely on Red and his unorthodox methods. Meanwhile, an unforeseen complication impacts Tom and Liz.

  • (You're) Having My Baby [feat. Odia Coates] — Paul Anka
    In an attempt to make Liz's surgery more 'magical,' Tom plays a record over the sound system; Nik delivers Liz and Tom's baby via C-section.   
  • Lighthouse — Patrick Watson
    Red helps with Liz's respiration as Mr. Solomon and his men advance on the ambulance and continue to shoot; Liz flat lines as Nik works to get her heart beating again.
  • Theme from Blinking Lights — Eels
    Dembe helps Red into the car then drives off; Montage as Liz's teammates deal with the news of her death; Mr Kaplan takes away Liz's body; Tom cradles baby Agnes in his arms. 
  • Safe and Sound — electric president