Jude feels uneducated about gay sex ed, so he tries to gain some personal experience through a phone app. Callie presents her senior project to her class, but the school admin disapproves of the concept.
Weight — Lee DeWyze
Emma asks Brandon how would be feel if situtation was happening to him and if Jesus would feel the same and if she should wait; the nurse comes to get Emma to take her back to the doctor.
Mariana asks AJ how he feels about Ana and Isabella moving in with him and Mike which he tells he knew nothing about; Taylor asks Jude if and Noah are having sex, she suggest a practice hook up.
Stef comforts Jesus; Mariana finds out that Emma was pregnant; Elena tells AJ that Ana can't move in with Mike if he's fostering him; Mariana takes to twitter about Emma; Stef & Call arrive home.
Mariana asks AJ how he feels about Ana and Isabella moving in with him and Mike which he tells he knew nothing about; Taylor asks Jude if and Noah are having sex, she suggest a practice hook up.