As part of St. Bonaventure hospital's international humanitarian program, the team takes on the case of a young boy from the Congo who has severe congenital heart anomalies. Dr. Neil Melendez has doubts about the safety of the procedure, while Dr. Shaun Murphy works out the best course of action. Meanwhile, Murphy's latest encounter with his neighbor Lea has him confused.
Ancient Light — Allman Brown
Gabriel is taken to surgery; Melendez and Shaun begin Gabriel's surgery.
Sons and Daughters (feat. Liz Lawrence) — Allman Brown
Gabriel heart begins to beat on its own; Melendez goes to Gabriel's mother to tell him he's okay; Elizabeth awaken to find she can still speak; Aoki watches the the doctors with Gabriel.
Without You (feat. Courtney) — for KING & COUNTRY
promo opening with the good doctor