Whoa Oh! (Me Vs Everyone)
Forever the Sickest Kids
Lauren, Audrina and Lo get ready to go out to GOA.
Stephanie and Heidi get ready to go out to GOA.
Shake Your Pom Pom
Missy Elliott
All the girls, and even Justin Bobby, show up at GOA.
Lauren and company have an akward time at GOA
Lauren leaves her table at GOA after Heidi and Justin Bobby sit down
Practice Makes Perfect
Cute Is What We Aim For
Stephanie and Heidi talk about their night at GOA.
Make It Easy
Bear Hug Jersey
Lauren and Lo talk about getting a house together.
The Step and the Walk
The Duke Spirit
Audrina and Justin Bobby meet up at Republic
I Will Possess Your Heart
Death Cab for Cutie
Audrina and Justin Bobby reconnect over drinks
Audrina tells Lauren about her night with Justin Bobby
New Day's Dawn
The Wilshires
Lauren and Lo meet up with Audrina for dinner.
Lauren and Lo tell Audrina about their plans to get a house
Lauren & Lo meet up with Audrina for dinner.