The Last Panthers Music
The Last Panthers season 1 poster

The Last Panthers season 1 episode 3 soundtrack

Chimeras, 5 songs

Khalil discovers his brother is involved in a smuggling ring, while Milan makes a noble decision which could have terrible personal consequences.

  • Here We Go — Stakka Bo
    Milan working for Zlatko is helping wrap and hide Kalashnikov's & other weaponry to ship out. (EPSIDOE 3)
  • Strangled to Death in a Public Toilet — Clark
    Khali has a flashback remembers how his brother was murdered and left to bleed out in the city street when he was a small boy (EPISODE 3)
  • Diamonds Aren’t Forever — Clark
    Naomi & Michael are doing surveillance in London for Mr. Kendle (EPISODE 3)
  • Is That Your Life — Tricky
    After Naomi missed her target, Michael goes over to check on her. Playing at the party at the house (EPSIDOE 3)
  • Hide on the Treads 1 — Clark
    Dragan escapes from prison with the help of his son Zvlatko; In the helicopter Zvlatko tells Milan his plan to kill his father and take over the empire. (EPISODE 3)

Theme Song

David Bowie