A patient arrives with radiation poisoning, spinning the night shift into chaos and putting it into lockdown. Meanwhile, staffers speed to a serious car crash, where they discover an injured police officer, TC's troubled sister-in-law visits, and a former patient harasses Jordan.
Quiet Hearts — Amy Stroup
Topher tells Paul he acted like a real doctor tonight; Joey says goodbye to Krista, Kenny sees them kiss, Michael pulls from away; Oren calls his dad with the bad news; Paul cries in his car.
Trip Into the Light — Jeremy & The Harlequins
Patients dressed as zombies wait in the waiting room; TC & Topher discuss how there's been food poisoning at the Zombie 5K run; Jordan tells Gwen she and TC are taking it slow now.
Butterfly — Clifton David Broadbridge
TC finds Annie drinking at a bar, TC tries to get Annie to leave but she convince him to take a shot to toast Thad.
You Got It All to Give — Dan Gautreau & Wolfgang Black
Annie tells TC she can't believe that he back with Jordan; TC & Annie watch watch an old video of him and Thad as they walk about memories from their childhood with Thad and her brother.