The O.C. - Season 2, Episode 7: Soundtracks

10 songs
The O.C.
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The World At Large
Modest Mouse
Marissa arrives at Cohen's with bagels. End of episode.
Let's Go
Olympic Hopefuls
The song plays in the background as Marissa and Summer talk about DJ meeting Marissa's Dad while having coffee in the student lounge.
The View
Modest Mouse
The band plays the song in the Bait Shop as Seth drunkenly ruins a Zach and Summer moment.
Paper Thin Walls
Modest Mouse
The band plays the song in the Bait Shop as Seth brandishes his flask in front of Alex.
Elliott Smith
Ryan and Lindsay kiss after the party
Soul Food
Martina Topley Bird
Save This Town
Blue Foundation
The song plays in the background at the Cohen's going away party for Jimmy. Lindsay and Ryan talk awkwardly at the party.
Rocky Racoon
James Blunt
Elliot Smith
The song plays in the background while Ryan and Lindsay escape to the pool house and reconcile their relationship.
Soulfood (Charles Webster's Banging House Dub)
Martina Topley Bird
The song plays in the background at the party as Marissa and Dj arrive. Marissa upon seeing Julie, explodes on both her parents in front of everyone.
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