The O.C. - Season 3, Episode 23: Soundtracks

11 songs
The O.C.
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To All of You
Syd Matters
When Marissa is drinking outside the cafe. Soundtrack of Senior prom’s photos
Earthquakes and Sharks
At the beggining (before the theme song) when everybody tries to invite someone to the prom.
Oregon Girl
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
Getting Hit On At the Bank
The Briefs
At the first beggining (before the theme song), when Ryan and Seth are talking about the prom.
Lady Sovereign
When walking into the prom
I Can't Come Down
The "slow dance" at the prom. During this song Summer continues drinking, Marissa looks around for Volchok, and Anna tries to convince Seth to continue on with "the plan".
Gotta Reason
You hear this song at the Bait Shop prom afterparty. People are getting rowdy, Marissa is bummed out, Seth checks on Summer and Anna convinces him to tell her the truth.
Rocky Racoon
James Blunt
Oregon Girl
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltzin
You hear this song as Ryan and Marissa talk about their prom dates in the student lounge. Marissa lets Ryan know her and Volchok are still together.
Earthquakes and Sharks
This song plays at the Diner where Summer thinks she is meeting someone from Brown, and instead it is Seth asking her to prom. Marissa asks Volchok, and Ryan asks Theresa. Summer says "No".
One Day
You first hear this song as Marissa and Summer are getting ready for prom. They are listening to this CD, which is supposed to be by "Big Korea", Summer's prom date. It plays for a second time at senior prom as Theresa gets a call from the guy she is "sort of" seeing, but decides to stay with Ryan, and Ryan finds Volchok making out with another girl.
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