The Rookie Music
The Rookie season 2 poster

The Rookie season 2 episode 4 soundtrack

Warriors and Guardians, 3 songs

Officer Nolan gets off to a rocky start after being introduced to his new training officer, Nyla Harper, who has an unconventional approach to police work after her stint as an undercover detective. Meanwhile, Officer Bradford struggles to think of an appropriate birthday gift for Rachel, and Officer Lopez finds herself navigating a case that triggers a personal memory.

  • Church — Prof
    Opening, he's hanging the mirror.
  • I'm Caving In — Leopold and his Fiction
    ​Nolan arrives at the bar to meet with his new TO, nowhere to be found. He talks to a waitress, who asks him unusually direct questions, and realizes that she’s his TO. She’s not impressed with Nolan.
  • Build a Bridge — Jenny Kern
    End montage.

Theme Song

Kings & Queens