The Umbrella Academy - Season 2, Episode 8: Soundtracks

8 songs
The Umbrella Academy
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Butthole Surfers
(0:18) Vanya is tortured and trips on LSD.
Humors of Glen Dart
APM Music
(0:20) Luther and Five enter the pub.
White Satin
APM Music
(0:24) Informational video.
Dark Rascal A
APM Music
(0:25) At the bar.
Whiskey In The Jar
APM Music
(0:32) Luther and Old Number Five in the bathroom.
Old Pal's Jigs
Buzz Buddies
Luther and both Number Fives talk at the bar.
Paddy's Leather Breeches
Austin Ince
(0:34) Old Number Five and Luther come back from the bathroom.
Paddy's Leather Breeches
Austin Ince, Frankie Hepburn
(0:34) Old Number Five and Luther come back from the bathroom.
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