True Blood - Season 2, Episode 5: Soundtracks

18 songs
True Blood
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Aria from la Wally: "Ebben, Ne Andro Lontana"
Maria Callas
Bloody man walks by as Sookie and Barry talk in hotel hallway.
Lisa Shaw
Sookie approaches Barry and they talk as he sets up the hotel's breakfast.
Fly On The Wall
Black Toast
Merlotte's bar- Daphne & Arlene talk with Terry, Sam talks with Daphne.
Wild Love
Black Toast
Merlotte's bar- Lafayette returns & talks with Sam in his office.
Gnossienne SR. 4
Erik Satie
Bill & Sookie talk with Eric, Isabel, & Stan about threat.
Hellbound Train
Three Bad Jacks
Merlotte's bar- Maryann makes everyone fight & argue with each other, they all blame Tara.
Cello Suite #5 Allemande Movement (J.S. Bach)
Stan, Isabel, Eric, Bill & Sookie argue.
Everybody Needs Somebody
Silas Hogan
Merlotte's Bar- Sam and Daphne talk & make out on pool table.
Extreme Music
Never Let Me Go
Katie Webster
End Credits
I Miss My Baby
Sonny Ellis
And When I Die
The Heavy
End Credits
Fly On the Wall
kelly pardekooper
Terry avoids Daphne and Arlene as they argue.
Ebben, Ne Andro Lontana
Extreme Music
Sookie chases Barry down the hallway.
Gnossienne No. 4
Erik Satie & 4th Gnossienne
Song at the hotel as Isabel and Hugo visit Bill and Sookie.
Wild Love
kelly pardekooper
Lafayette arrives at Merlotte's.
Song at the hotel.
Stevie Wonder
Final song during end credits.
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