UnREAL Music
UnREAL season 1 poster

UnREAL season 1 episode 3 soundtrack

Mother, 2 songs

Broke and drowning under a pile of bills, Rachel is forced to ask her mother for financial support. Back at the mansion, Adam's best friend makes waves on set when he is asked to choose three women for a romantic dinner date with Adam.

  • Psychosomatic — Miss Amani
    The other contestants crash Adam & Roger's date with Grace, Anna & Maya; Jay asks Shia if the crash was her idea; (repeats) Quinn watches the footage from earlier when Rachel finds her, they talk.
  • Turn the Party Up — Miss Amani
    Rachel arrives back to the Everlasting mansion to blaring music from the house and Shia rooting on the partying, Rachel confronts Shia about the party then stops the music and partying girls.