Versailles Music
Versailles season 1 poster

Versailles season 1 episode 1 soundtrack

Welcome to Versailles, 3 songs

In 1667 in France, Louis XIV is a young king who wants to impose his power whereas he is traumatized by the Fronde (the revolt of nobility during Louis XIII's reign) and despite the attacks of conspirators. Then, Louis XIV decides to establish the seat of the power out of Paris, in Versailles. At that time, Versailles is just a hunting lodge but Louis XIV radically wants to transform this castle.

  • Le Menuet — Fuoco e Cenere
    The nobles gather in the chapel for communion; Henrietta & Madame de Montespan gossip about Maria Theresa and the baby; Louis temps Louise in the gallery; Chevalier & Beatrice gossip.
  • Seconde Leçon de Ténèbres, extrait — Fuoco e Cenere & Julie Fioretti
    Henrietta leaves the waters of the lake to return to the lakeside Pavillon as Louis arrives.  
  • Jérusalem — Fuoco e Cenere & Julie Fioretti
    Dr Masson and Claudine prepare for Maria Theresa to give birth; Masson gives Louis advises on the babies arrival as the nobles gather in the birthing room; Maria Theresa begins laboring.

Theme Song
