Del sleeps in Wayne's shoulder as they get a ride into Florida.
Wayne and Del buy candy at a gas station.
America – What It Used To Be
Cole and Orlando drive into Florida. Cole snaps at Orlando out of hunger.
Wayne and Del show up at a party at Reggie's house.
Let the Champagne Spill
HLM, Jaycal
Orlando and Cole go to a strip club for lunch.
How I Wish She Was Mine
Jake La Botz
Maureen takes Wayne and Del shopping.
Cole is having lunch at a strip club when the bouncer comes in looking for Orlando.
Falling into Love
Kenny Cetera
Del is stopped by a security guard in a department store, but Maureen gets her out of trouble.
Livin' in the Sun
Barb's Country Crossroads
Wayne is in deep trouble when suddenly he realizes Del isn't around; Del walks down the street sad and alone. End title.