You're the Worst Music
You're the Worst season 3 poster

You're the Worst season 3 episode 5 soundtrack

Twenty-Two, 5 songs

Edgar spends the day trying to find some relief for his PTSD.

  • Tell You Something — Charizma & Peanut Butter Wolf
    Opening scene as Edgar tries to sleep, then works out in the dark and sings to himself Plays AGAIN when the newspaper gets thrown at him and he starts running
  • Something Like a Feeling (That Feels So Right) [from You're the Worst] — Starlight Tidepool
    Song that Edgar is playing in his car on cassette for the 2nd half of the episode Plays again at end of episode while he is riding in the car on the tow truck (SEE "QUESTIONS" BELOW for DETAILS)
  • Hearts and Flowers — Jim Blake
    Edgar's silent movie bumper at the end of episode This plays until he kneels down
  • Damsel In Distress — Jim Blake
    Edgar's silent movie bumper at the end of episode This choppy piano music plays next until the banjo music starts
  • Bug Eyed Betty — Gert Wilden
    Edgar's silent movie bumper at the end of episode Banjo music that starts as Edgar unzips his pants & pees on the paper boat

Theme Song

7:30 Am