Parenthood - Season 3, Episode 15: Soundtracks

10 songs
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Josh Ritter
Dr Joe asking Jasmine to move in with him
It Makes You Feel So Bad
Insight Out
Sarah meeting Marks friends
Cuz a Good Man's Hard to Find
The Fling
Lily comforting Crosby
Triumph Over Will
The Rogues
Crosby and Adam in the record store
Amber and Bob kissing
Million Dollar Bill
Adam talking to Crosby about getting Dawes to record at the Luncheonette
Never on Sunday
The Rassle
In the bar with Adam and Crosby meeting the Dawes
On Fire On a Tightrope
When Sarah confronts Mark with her feelings about having a Baby
Swan Song (for Bella)
Jennifer O'Connor
Amber returning to work the next day
Cello Suite No.1, Prelude
Johann Sebastian Bach
Sarah and Mark wrestling on bed, transitions into Lily playing cello in studio.
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