Widow Jones
Jeannie C. Riley
Annie rides on the back of an ATV driven by a young silent boy on the Picket Ranch, where a family of separatists lives.
Clara tells Annie she wants to show her around the Picket house (separatist family), delaying the interview. Fran and Emily talk about making a private sex tape together.
I Found You Out
Bonnie Guitar
At the Picket House, a family of separatists, Clara and Annie start to bond while looking at Picket family photos at the kitchen table.
Annie gets up from the picnic table with the pie Clara gave her after their tense and awkward interview, concerning Clara's separatist family. Annie speeds away in her car full of adrenaline.
Annie and Nick finish up their dinner and drinks together at her place.
Fran and Emily say they love each other and share a loving sweet kiss.
New Love Cassette
Angel Olsen
Fran and Emily pull up the sheets to cover a wet spot on the bed and they hug a crying Annie, who is upset about Nick not feeling the same way she does.
Annie and Nick finish up their dinner and drinks together at her place.